IR A peek inside Taste & Imbibe


September 20, 2019


In any industry, understanding which products present the biggest opportunity is key to building a sustainable business. Our client, The House of Suntory, recently invited us to Taste of London, one of the UK’s biggest consumer food and drinks events. This year’s Taste celebrated sustainability and championed craftsmanship in food, drink and atmosphere with the theme, ‘Wild in the City’. Attending this event, and observing the behaviour of the many new and established brands there, gave us a fantastic insight opportunity.

Our curiosity for observing drinks trends led us a week later to Imbibe Live, a platform of discovery for drinks professionals now celebrating its 10th anniversary. We thought it apt to combine our observations of the two events, aimed at different primary audiences, to identify the concepts and trends set to drive the drinks industry into the next decade.


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